Dedicated, skilled human capital
A result of long-term partnership with employees

Our core strengths that differentiate us from our competitors are derived from our core belief of Partnerships for Progress.
A sense of belonging
Growing together
No barriers

A sense of belonging

It might sound like a cliche to say we treat our employees like family - but there is truly a sense of belonging at Seshaasai. Most of our employees have spent decades with us, with many graduating from the factory floor to heading entire divisions. We believe that CSR begins at home. It’s a win-win, where we take care of our team, and they give us their best efforts.

  • A negligible attrition rate.
  • A workforce of 800+ employees across locations

Growing together

We invest in constant training and reskilling. This gives us the rare luxury of investing heavily in automation but not having to resort to layoffs. To us, the payoff is more than a sense of doing good. We have a dedicated employee base, aware of the company's mission and the role we play for various industries, always thinking of solutions. There is a sense of responsibility and ownership that no corporate manual can imbibe.

  • Specific skills and subject matter experts at every level - from precise sticker affixing on cards, to RFID specialists.
  • Activity-level contingency prevents layoffs even as market dynamics change - for example, those involved in cheque book packing moved to card packing.
  • Good word of mouth means quality referrals - we do not need to rely on contract firms.

No barriers

By eliminating bureaucracy, information seamlessly flows across levels. This helps us make quick decisions and stay ahead. There is a culture of problem solving, client empathy and self-belief, meaning none of our innovations come from outsourced thinking.

  • Anyone can walk into the senior management office.
  • Ideas for process improvements - such as the idea for a better glueing mechanism for envelopes - come from shop floor feedback and recommendations.

Our other core strengths

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Seshaasai specialises in using technology to solve business problems. We provide tailor-made solutions for BFSI, retail, manufacturing, supply chain, government, renewable energy and more.

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